
Why is it that when one rewarms something in the microwave, one tends to forget it until it has cooled down to its previous temperature. There seems to be no such thing as a warm cup of coffee in the morning around here. Only tepid. Tepid coffee reheated endlessly. Dante must have missed this punishment in the inner circle, but I feel like Tantalus and Sisyphus combined. Up the stairs, down the stairs, no food or drink ever getting to my stomach or causing satisfaction.
Okay, after thinking about this a bit I realized that I have said and portrayed absolutely nothing new. The image below should present more than sufficient explanation. (grin)

(The painted image above is by Franz von Stuck. For a wonderful gallery of such images please check the website http://franz_von_stuck.tripod.com/ )
A little Sisyphus beetle. How cute. :)
Is that any way to respond to the agonizing struggle of this overburdened creature? (grin)
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Beetles have hard shells on the outside, but are soft on the inside. I think there are people like that, too.
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