Life-ous-ness and machinery

Early this morning I could hear the noise of a big ship shrieking and groaning at the dock. It had an almost musical quality, with its mechanical clanks and metallic grinding; quasi organic in sound. There is a rhythm and vivacity to port life. I want to say life-ous-ness. (Funny that there is a word lifelessness but no opposite, except perhaps the word organic - which is precisely what
these technologies are not.) These are sounds that are unsettling, piercing and tortured like small animals squealing and musk oxen bellowing - still their very repetitiosness and inherent declaration of productivity make them somehow reassuring. Funny how we take comfort in the habitual.
wouldn't the opposite of lifelessness be simply life? maybe lifefullness? vitality?
Vitality - yes although what is the word for sluggish vitality. I search for a word that is not full of life but invaded by a scintilla of organism.
kafka would know the word. don't you think?
Yes, Kafka would have said "belebt" perhaps "träg belebt". Sometimes the more complicated German is easier! (grin)
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