Environment as Determinant of Self
I'm living in a borrowed flat for a few months and have been
remembering something one of my University Professors said once in an art class about our environment creating us. This new place is like something out of an architectural digest item - clean and elegant and completely alien to my cluttered, dung beetle existence. The lay-out is open with prisitne lines and minimalist decor and has all the zen qualities that I long for in life and have up to this point seemed to elude me. Gregor Samsa in Kafka's marvelous story undergoes a terrible metamorphosis sinking back into an animal existence after a sexual slip that leaves the apple of knowledge rotting and embedded in his carapace. Dare I hope for the opposite kind of metamorphosis as I live in an entirely ordered and graceful environment? Will I even be able to work without the pressure of four walls closing continuously in on me? I fear that it will be too great a change all at once and rather than evolving slowly into a higher winged being, I will explode from the lack of oppressive atmosphere. At least the computer hook-up is in a small basement room where I can hide from my own progress/process or lack thereof.....
(This above is definitely not the environment I want to create me and perhaps an argument to the contrary of my Professor's claim! Interesting to see how some personalities remain unchanged regardless of the essentials!)

1)cluttered, dung beetle existence
i am the same way. excellent description.
2) I was wondering when you'd finally bring up kafka.
I live Kafka. I hardly see the need to bring him up. Suppress seems more like the operative modality here. (smile). Kafka, by the way found his own work hilarious and would roar with laughter during his public readings of such works as the Metamorphosis and America.
I am not surely not as familiar with his work but I sensed him and metamorphosis woven into the essence of your blog. Ill have to explore him more. :)
Keep working with this way of thinking and feeling. It is a good way of practicing the compassion towards yourself that you require to do your amazing things. Because sometimes one cannot control amazing things; I love that you are allowing yourself to luxuriate in the control of the minimalism. Take it for a ride: it is the minimalism of your environment with the baroque of yourself that can probably take you to some pleasing and satisfying destinations.
You are a wise person. I would climb a mountain to visit you (and certainly seek out your blog). Baroque is the perfect word for my existence. You see beyond the surface of what is before you.
Not so wise, just able to do easily what we humans do best: recognize in others parts of ourselves when we see them.
Perhaps once my technical situations are resolved, a blog is in order; it seems a good thing, this.
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