Rain after dryness
It rained today with a barrage of drops on the tin roof overhead. What a reassuring sound! It was a day of accomplishing the detail work and now there is the rain to drum away the doldrums of quotidienne activities. A nice shiraz and a bit of Dickens should round off the day quite nicely. Here is a happy memory of a sunny day that gives me the same feeling of content as today's shower.

Welcome back from vacation. Please send the rain this way. We need it. Peace. Tout a l'heure.
Will send rain, but it might take some time to get there. Tout a l'heure - wonderful to dissect the connotation from the denotation there. Which hour and what are of course the issue.
when i was growing up toute a l'heure meant "see ya later" has the meaning changed?
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