Sewing and Arbus
There has been no time for cosmic musings today. I had hoped to issue a thought-provoking comment each day, but today was a get up too late and be in a fog the entire day kind of situation. I did manage to get my treadle sewing machine that I bought on e-bay (yes you can buy cast iron objects on e-bay!!) working today and that was cosmic victory enough for one day.

I've been thinking a lot about Diane Arbus and her wondeful protraits. Such faces one rarely sees. I wonder if it is just the conglomeration of numbers of peole that allows one to see such marvelous faces in the big city or whether the city creates the faces. Do we learn to hide the loneliness and disappointments in towns and rural places or do towns
chisel different types of diappointments onto the faces of their inhabitants?

I've been thinking a lot about Diane Arbus and her wondeful protraits. Such faces one rarely sees. I wonder if it is just the conglomeration of numbers of peole that allows one to see such marvelous faces in the big city or whether the city creates the faces. Do we learn to hide the loneliness and disappointments in towns and rural places or do towns
chisel different types of diappointments onto the faces of their inhabitants?
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